Premio Architettura Green

22/07/2024 | News

Il progetto della sede Levi-Montalcini Foundation a firma del noto studio di architettura Giancarlo Zema Design Group, vince il prestigioso GREEN GOOD DESIGN AWARDS 2024 in USA come migliore architettura Green. Riconoscimento indetto dal Chicago Athenaeum Museum for Architecture and Design e dalla European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.

>> Green Good Design Awards 2024

The Levi-Montalcini Foundation headquarters project by the well-known architecture firm Giancarlo Zema Design Group, wins the prestigious GREEN GOOD DESIGN AWARDS 2024 in the USA as best Green architecture. The award is announced by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum for Architecture and Design and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.

>> Green Good Design Awards 2024